About Me

I am 17 and attend South Columbus High. I'm an avid actor and wish one day to not only act, but to also teach students to act. Theatre has made me who I am today and has helped me to become more outgoing and take leadership in my life. This is what I want for my future students.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

My Costume for La Befana (Christmas Concert)

La Befana is one of Italy's oldest and most celebrated legends. Each year on January 6, the children of Italy awaken in hopes that La Befana has made a visit to their house. This is the day that the three Wise Men arrived at the manger of the Christ child and is more celebrated in Italy than Christmas.

Each year, on the eve of the Epiphany, La Befana sets out looking for the baby Jesus. She stops at each child's house to leave treats in the stockings for those who were good and a lump of coal for those who were bad.