About Me

I am 17 and attend South Columbus High. I'm an avid actor and wish one day to not only act, but to also teach students to act. Theatre has made me who I am today and has helped me to become more outgoing and take leadership in my life. This is what I want for my future students.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Paulette Bonafonte: Who She Is

Song: Ireland
This song and scene shows Paulette's backstory. She is very broken, and this leads her to be very caring to other people. You can tell by what she sings that she is unhappy with how her life turned out and doesn't want the same thing for Elle. 

Song: Bend and Snap
During this number, you see Paulette catering to Elle making sure that she is ready for her big case. She expresses some of her insecurities during this time, but after she finds out that she can bend and snap, she gains quite a bit of confidence and tries to win her man... It doesn't work out well for him.

Basically, Paulette cares more for other people but eventually learns to love herself. She ends up with her dream Irish gentleman with new friends.

Paulette's Style
I'm not sure how someone would go about explaining Ms. Bonafonte's style. You could say she is stuck in the 1960s hippie age. 


Now compare it to the actual style of the 1960s...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Meanings of my POL Poems

To My Dear and Loving Husband:
     The author of this poem is expressing her love for her husband. She is saying that his love is worth more than some of the most expensive things in the world. She wants their love to last for an eternity and more, on earth and in the afterlife. 

     The author of this poem is talking about how her heart is broken from her significant other leaving her. She is comparing her heart to a hollow hole, or pool. She is saying that her heart is drying up from the pain that they caused her.